PEDAGOGY: I really enjoyed this post by Larry Ferlazzo on allowing do-overs and late work, and I've ordered a library copy of the book he references, "Fair Isn't Always Equal," if you're interested.
CULTURE: Fascinating dive here into the rise of the Stanley water bottle, perhaps useful for a launch point for a writing assignment on how trends develop and die out? Maybe even more so when paired with this article on students who use other bottles being mocked?
EVEN MORE AI TUTORIALS: The Atlantic links to a series of articles on boredom that might be useful for discussion.
DRESS CODES: If I had a class in English or history right now, I'd be chomping at the bit to work in this story about a Texas principal extolling the virtues of conformity. Imagine the discussion you could generate!
PEDAGOGY: Great piece here on how to incorporate Socratic Seminar into your class discussions, including ways to avoid some of the common pitfalls for students that aren't wired (yet!) for open discussion of complex topics.
PHOTOS: Some of these Atlantic Photos of the Week might make for interesting discussion or writing prompts. I especially love the giant glowing-eyed Kid Cudi promo statue